At the heart of Sajda lies a unique partnership between a mother and daughter, Nishi and Suman. Nishi's modern flair and Suman's traditional wisdom weave together to create a symphony that resonates with every thread, bead, and fabric they touch. They don't just design clothes; they design dreams.
The Vision
Founded in 2013, Sajda was born out of a dream to redefine South Asian couture. Our goal is to simplify the couture experience, making breathtaking designs accessible to brides, grooms, and their families without a shadow of a doubt in quality. We want to make custom-designed Indian fashion a delightful experience, not a stressful one.
What We Believe
We believe in the perfect moment. That instant when you wear a Sajda creation, and everything just falls into place. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship, exclusive designs, unparalleled service, and affordability is unshakeable. We don't just make garments; we create memories that you can wear.
Artisans at Heart
Every creation at Sajda is a testament to traditional Indian craftsmanship. Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, each piece honors an art form deeply respected by the founders, from the choice of fabrics and embroideries to the final tailoring.